That's me in my Green era. Well, at least in thought and aspiration it's me. Miss Liberty is one of my mentors.
taking the liberty on this site of sharing a mixture of resources,
opinions, writings, thoughts, news, and, I hope, thought provoking
Feel free to wander through the pages and stay awhile. And come back to visit often, I'm always adding something new.
complete text my books Heirs Together and Woman Be Free are available
to read free on this site. To access the books either click on their titles above or the My Books link in the sidebar menu.
What I'm Reading
Spark: The revolutionary New Science of Exercise And The brain, By John J. Ratey, MD
Rule # 1: The Simple Strategy for successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week!, by Phil Town
Quiverfull: Inside The Christian Patriarchy Movement, by Kathryn Joyce
The Ascent Of Money: A Financial History of The world, by Niall Ferguson